Monday, November 17, 2008

Some things on Religion and other Thoughts

In this time of religious infighting and external "spiritual conflict," I have a hard time picking my favorite bed-time story to make me feel better about myself.

All joking aside, though, I am not an Atheist. In fact, philosophically, I view the Atheistic viewpoint to be fallacious. This is due to the fact that things in the world are not objective, but in fact far more subjective, and atheism is one side of people adhering to all-or-nothing ideas of things. Things in the world are not bivalent but multivalent. Remember always that there is an infinite space between 0 and 1. Things in the real world are not nearly as concise as symbolic logic and binary systems would make them appear. Philosophers can (and probably will) obsess over ultimate truths, and try to define them or ascribe properties to them for a long time to come, and this is OK. It is a noble endeavor, and I would never try to suppress the thinker that would want to examine their possibility. However, I believe that things are never as simple as black and white, or 0 and 1 (at least none that I have seen). Because of this, I reject both the ideas of Atheism and Fundamentalist/Evangelical Religion (not limited to Christianity, keep in mind). In short:

There is nothing more annoying than someone who will never concede that they MIGHT be wrong.

Because I believe that absolutes don't exist, I must reject both extremes of the spiritual scale. The Secular and Religious must come together and cooperate. Working together, I believe that they might create some better hypotheses than, "God made all and rules over men," or, "Our universe is the result of a cosmic fart, all chance and no grace."

But, I digress--

The point of this post was to talk about religion, and why some religious teachings and "mythologies" seem to be repressed simply because of their simplicity or (what we deem) their "fantastical" nature. My point is:

Why are Jainism and Druidism and Paganism seen as fanciful concepts, when we believe ourselves that the most powerful, omnipotent, omnipresent being ever would routinely talk to people in the Old Testament?

Why is praying to nature "crazier" than believing a mortal man was the son of God, the most powerful being we could even fathom?

And, to put it bluntly, why the hell do we discriminate about it...

Ok, the fact is, I don't know for sure, and neither do you. You can't know for sure that there is something else out there. You can't tell me with certainty that God exists or doesn't. And I can't tell you that. We are all professing beliefs, and we are all pushing opinions.

That's nothing to kill or be killed over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I personally don't know what I believe in. Like I said last year in Marquardt's class, it seems like nothing is real. You, me or anything. I feel bad because I really don't know what I believe in but I don't really put much time into it.